
  • States:
    • Add: Click anywhere on the canvas or right-click ➞ 'Add state'
    • Select: Click on state. Selected states are marked in a lighter shade
    • Remove: Right click on state ➞ 'Remove'
    • Final: Double click or right-click on state ➞ 'Toggle final'
    • Initial: The initial state cannot be removed and no further initial states can be added
  • Transitions:
    • Add: Drag form the symbols of the halo and release on the same or another state
    • Select: Click on arrow. Selected transition are marked by a dashed line
    • Remove: Right click on arrow ➞ 'Remove entire edge' or right click on label ➞ 'Remove label'
    • Edit: Drag from label to reposition
    • Rotate: Right click on arrow ➞ 'Rotate edge'
  • Keyboard shortcuts (only on selected items):
    • F key: make state final
    • Backspace or Delete key: remove state or (entire) transition


For the following regular expression: (a*(a|b)a*bb)|\e, over the alphabet { a b }:

Give an ε-NFA that recognizes the same language.